Friday, August 14, 2009


By Janet Perez Eckles

A baby camel asked his mother, "Why do we have such large hoofs on our feet?"
She turned to him. "God made us that way for a very special reason," and she began her explanation. "The big hoofs are to keep us from sinking into the sand."
"Oh! So why do we have long eyelashes?"
"It's to protect our eyes from the sand."
"Why the big humps?"
"That is to store fat and have enough energy to go long distances in the hot desert!"
"I see!" the baby camel stretched his neck and looked up at his mother, "The big hoofs are to keep from sinking into the sand, the long eyelashes are to keep the sand out of our eyes, and the humps are to store energy to travel long distances.then what are we doing in this cage in the middle of a zoo?"
Like the camel, I had asked the same kind of questions. When my blindness set in, I initially locked myself in a cage of self-pity and bitterness.
Weary from pacing within that gloomy cage, something nudged me to see beyond my circumstance and unfortunate plight.
Heavens! What was I thinking? Those bars were self-imposed. But worst of all, I'd supported them with the cold metal of my negative attitude.
Eventually, eagerness to leave my stuffy cell of discontent prompted me to open my ears to hear a reassuring whisper--God had created me for much more.
Itching to break free, I broke down those bars and stepped out into the desert of life. I trudged through the heat with determination and drive. I endured the blistering sun with perseverance and tenacity. I quenched my thirst with fresh inspiration and encouragement. And the hooves of confidence kept me from sinking into the sand of insecurity.
Thinking ahead, I made sure I'd stored a healthy supply of wisdom and positive attitude to take me through the long haul.
Goodness gracious. Each time I reached another point in my journey, my eyes saw a whole new world with opportunities to make a difference. Best of all, I was delighted with the affirmation that I was indeed created for much more!
Bars come in all sizes and shapes. Some are physical; others are emotional or even mental. But none can withstand the force of determination that breaks them down. The effort is worth it and the results, simply amazing!
So, batting my long eyelashes to keep out the sand of discouragement, I challenge you: Step back and peek at what bars limit you. Take a deep breath, Break them down, and emerge into the freshness of a new life.
Have life’s troubles overwhelmed you? Do you long for peace to come back, but wonder how to overcome the adversity, pain and anxiety that deepen your heartache?
Janet has been there. And though she has no physical sight, she has the insight and experience to point the way to victory and to a life free from emotional pain.
Janet's Story
As a young girl, Janet packed dreams and expectations when she left Bolivia to come to America. She found not only wonder and beauty in her new life, but also the challenge to overcome trials—physical blindness, marital infidelity, financial devastation, the loss of her son and the acquittal of the man responsible.
But rather than despair, Christ’s love ushered victory for each battle, giving her wisdom to overcome adversity, rekindling her zeal for life and ushering peace for each moment. This victory sparked her mission to inspire and encourage others. As a bilingual, Spanish inspirational speaker, she ignites in her audiences the same passion to triumph, to find purpose in life and achieve professional and personal success.
Janet Perez Eckles lacks physical sight, but uses her insight to impart inspirational messages across the country. She's a freelance writer, and contributor to seven books including the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. She authored "Trials of Today, Treasures For Tomorrow: Overcoming Adversities in Life."

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